Volunteer spotlight: Paying it forward by mentoring youth

Karen Reyes has been a Big with Big Brothers Big Sisters for nearly four years, inspired by her own mentors. She’s now paying it forward, building a lasting bond with her Little and making a positive impact.


By Nichelle Rachal, Associate Director, Community Relations

As part of a regular series, we’re spotlighting Clorox teammates who make volunteering a priority, giving back to their communities in a big way. In our latest profile, we introduce you to Karen Reyes from Finance, who’s also a dedicated “Big” with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Karen’s passion for mentorship stems from her own experiences. From fun conversations to deep life talks, she’s helping her Little grow and thrive.

What inspires you to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area, and how long have you been a “Big”?

I’ve always been passionate about mentorship. Growing up, I was fortunate to have amazing mentors who helped me navigate difficult times and discover my potential. Their guidance inspired me to give back and make a difference in the lives of others.

When I learned about Big Brothers Big Sisters, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to pay it forward. The organization’s mission of creating positive relationships between adult mentors and youth aligns perfectly with my values. I’ve been a Big for almost four years, and it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience.

I’ll never forget the first time I met my Little. We hit it off immediately, and our bond has grown stronger over the years. Together, we’ve explored new hobbies, tackled challenges and celebrated successes. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters and to make a lasting impact on the life of a young person.

Can you share a memorable experience from your time as a “Big”?

Every moment I’ve shared with my Little Sister has been a cherished memory. Watching her grow from a young child into a thoughtful pre-teen has been heartwarming. Our conversations have evolved from discussing the latest YouTube and Disney trends to exploring deeper topics about life and the world around us. It’s truly inspiring to witness her development and be a part of her journey. I strive to create a safe and supportive environment where she can freely express herself and share her thoughts.

How do you manage your volunteer work alongside your professional responsibilities?

My husband and I believe that giving back to our community is a fundamental part of our lives. We both volunteer for different organizations, and we’re committed to teaching our daughter the importance of service.

Balancing volunteer work, professional responsibilities, and family life can be challenging. We’ve found that effective planning, open communication and mutual accountability help us stay organized and fulfilled.