Kingsford drafts Jason Kelce as ‘King of the Grill’

By Patrice Sherman, Earned Media Lead – Marketing
The Kingsford brand has a new member of its grilling team. Recently retired legend of the gridiron Jason Kelce is going from stopping the pass rush on the field to stopping the grilling rush in the backyard — a vital skill to create the flavor and experience that only comes from charcoal.
As America’s favorite charcoal, Kingsford aims to encourage more grilling as a way to help people slow down and savor quality time with family and friends.
With partner Jason’s journey to become “King of the Grill” front and center, the campaign showcases the unique charcoal experience as the recent retiree learns to savor the slow cook alongside fellow champion lineman and rib enthusiast Vince Wilfork. Through engaging video, educational recipes and even occasional grill-side dance tutorials, the omnichannel campaign will continue throughout the summer and into early fall tailgate season with a drumbeat of pulses across earned, paid and owned media.
Football fans and grilling enthusiasts alike can follow along on Jason’s quest to master the grill throughout the summer via Kingsford’s social channels and on