Proud to Support LGBT Employees
Clorox has earned a top rating of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2015 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). The CEI is a nationally recognized benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality in the workplace.
Since 2006, Clorox has earned a 100 percent rating on the CEI and has been named one of the Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality.
We believe supporting LGBT employees is not only the right thing to do, it’s a competitive imperative. Our employees can better represent and focus on the needs of our consumers when they know they are supported and can bring their entire self to work every day. There are also studies that have shown a positive relationship between LGBT-supportive policies and employee engagement, health and job satisfaction, among other factors.

Source: Business Impact of LGBT Policies May 2013, The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law
The 2015 CEI rated 972 businesses in the report, which evaluates LGBT-related policies and practices including non-discrimination workplace protections, domestic partner benefits, transgender-inclusive health care benefits, competency programs and public engagement with the LGBT community.
Fostering diversity and inclusion is foundational to our employer brand: “OurClorox – powered by everyone’s leadership every day.” It’s also a key part of our focused efforts to preserve and nurture our company’s culture. This includes support of the company’s five employee resource groups — LGBT, African-American, Asian/Pacific, Hispanic and women — and the company’s recently introduced VetNet, a network of Clorox military veterans. These groups help individuals connect with each other and with Clorox. They also foster professional relationships, provide insights on multicultural marketing and supplier diversity initiatives, and support our diversity-related community outreach programs.
For more information on the 2015 Corporate Equality Index, or to download a free copy of the report, visit