Remembering the meaning of Memorial Day

By Paul Escajadillo, National Account Manager, Brita and Litter – Target Team
For the first time post-COVID, all Clorox locations are once again actively remembering the meaning of Memorial Day by setting up tables in accordance with a military tradition that has a single place setting and an empty chair to honor our fallen.
From the Revolutionary War to present day, over 1.3 million military members have died while in service to our nation. As a U.S. Army veteran who deployed to Afghanistan twice and a representative of our VetNet employee resource group, I encourage everyone to take but a moment to reflect on what it means to enjoy the freedoms and liberties that have been defended by the lives of patriots.
Instead of wishing someone a “Happy Memorial Day,” visit one of the 134 national cemeteries or one of the dozens of state cemeteries where veterans are buried. Then go and lay a flower or wreath at the grave of a veteran family member or simply “adopt” an older grave. Most importantly, honor the dead by supporting living veterans.
The National Moment of Remembrance, established by Congress, asks Americans, wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, to pause in an act of national unity for 1 minute. The time 3 p.m. was chosen because it’s when most Americans are enjoying their freedoms on the national holiday. The moment does not replace traditional Memorial Day events; rather, it’s intended to unite all Americans, whether alone or with family and friends, to honor those who died in service to the United States.
Until the day they return home, or find eternal peace, we will remember.