Stories from our people: Dan Kellenberger in Clorox Professional

Get to know Dan Kellenberger, a general manager for the Clorox Professional business who’s built a 23-year-long career here.
“My role is to help protect people in public spaces,” says Dan. “Whether you’re in a hospital, a school or an office building, we create a cleaner, healthier environment for you to thrive. That’s why our team is here, and we take pride in it.”
Dan feels both personally and professionally connected to the work we do here. “Our role in hospitals is to keep facilities clean and safe for patients and for staff,” he says. “The risk of hospital-associated infections is quite high, and our role is to help safeguard against that, which we take very seriously. I have a daughter who is a Type 1 diabetic, and she has spent quite a bit of time in the hospital. And knowing that what I do plays a role in keeping her and people like her safe really motivates me.”
Being with one company for a long time doesn’t have to mean you’re staying still — and Dan is proof of that. “The growth opportunities here are tremendous,” he says. “We have multiple brands that play in different categories with different customers and different geographies. I’ve spent time all over the world — in the Bay Area, Minneapolis, Australia. I’ve been in Finance, I’ve been in multiple disciplines of Sales and now I’m a general manager. There are endless opportunities if you explore them and have the drive and the willingness to take chances.”