Human Rights
Human Rights Commitment
Behind every company, every product, every ingredient, there are people. Businesses can only thrive in communities where everyone’s dignity and rights are respected and protected. It’s not just a business imperative; it’s a moral imperative.
We’re committed to treating people — our employees, partners, consumers, customers, business partners, suppliers and anyone else with whom we interact — with respect and dignity.
Our core value is “do the right thing.” Consistent with the United Nations Global Compact Principles on Human Rights, we’ve established expectations in the areas of human rights and labor, respectful treatment and equal opportunity, health and safety, environmental sustainability, and business conduct and ethics.
Read Clorox’s Human Rights Commitment.
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Clorox has put in place various programs to manage the risks of slavery and trafficking throughout our supply chain. Read our Modern Slavery, Forced Labor & Supply Chain Transparency Statement for more information in accordance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, UK Modern Slavery Act and Australian Modern Slavery Act.